Sunday, December 11, 2011

Seahorses, reindeer and Kerstmarkt:)

So my pot bellied seahorses arrived last Thursday:) It was great! They were a little smaller than what we were expecting but other than that they are doing really well, feeding on frozen artemia and giving me a hard time with filming, lol! Friday I went to Brussels for Nikos name day party and I got to see the Brussels Kerstmarkt:)
My beautiful pot bellied seahorses:)

 Reindeer Andreia and I:) at the party

 View from the arch in Brussels

 Military museum

 Brussels Kertsmarkt

Friday, December 2, 2011

Night at the Museum

Yesterday was the Museum Night in Gent. Nine museums were open from 6pm to 1am for free and the tram was free between museums. We had planned a Dutch class outing to go to a nice Italian restaurant followed by a visit to the SMAK, the MoMA equivalent of Gent. The pizzas at the Italian restaurant were amazing and we tried five different ones because five of us decided to share:) Then we were off to the SMAK under the rain and walking (we didn't feel like waiting 17min for the tram under the rain).
The museum was crowded and after some drinks in the lobby we went to see the exhibit. I think that what impressed me the most was a crime scene with two people that looked dead and the opinions were divided amongst us between being models, fully clothed preserved cadavers or live people! I looked intently at the veins and at the chest to try and find any movement and saw nothing! But Sebastian swears the foot moved... I also really liked the nature inspired pieces, like the two intertwined circulation models which I look forward to use in a class lecture.